Sometimes the way you put your word can make people think of something else something you was not trying to say. This misunderstandings are what i experience today. The way you look at messages and the way you reply them sometimes results in something you would never have expected. Things like this not only can influence what people think and also the relantionship you have with that individual seems meaningless. No wonder people say "watch what you're saying" cause when you don't even realise it sometime people are already hurt by things you're saying or messages you sent.
Having to watch the way and what you are saying most of the time is some thing us as normal humans tend to fail in. Most of the time i would think that when you are in a certain level with someone, either you are best friends or partners, there would be a certain level of understanding between the two that when something wrong comes out from me the other would know that i didn't mean it. Which i am very sure that the misunderstanding i just had, shouldn't have happen but it did. Maybe sometimes in reality things cannot be assumed.
Well, i ran out of words and have too many things to worry about.
Today went to campus for my math test which i was totally not prepared to face. I reach to campus and was shock because i thought the math test was going to be at 3 p.m but when i reach campus and saw the time table, i knew i was totally screwed nothing else could be done.
Since there was nothing that could be done, i just went in to take the test. I took me a long time to start writing something on the paper. I finished to test, leaving alot of the part c question unanswered. I told myself i am gonna fail this one for sure.
Then i went to the library to "study". When me and my frens reach the library the air condition was not on. Non of us dare to switch it on. So we stayed in the library with air-con for more then an hour untill a girl from commerce switched it on and we were like " Shit man!! Why didnt we do that an hour ago??".
The programming test later was ok for me. i could almost do every question. XD
Alot my frens are worrying about the result which most of us think we did really badly.
Will what done is done. Nothing more can be added to change it. The most important thing is to enjoy it no matter good or bad.
Today was a very tough day for me.
Started the day with a freaking hangover.
The worst is yet to be written.
I had to rush to school, luckyly i was able to reach the campus in time.
Physics test, was like a total blur. Couldn't remember much about what i did in the Lecture Theater. I think i finished the whole paper. I hope so. The pain in my head was still bugging me really badly.
Didn't have much time to prepare for Writing and Research Skills, read through so of the sites i bookmarked and it was time for the test already. Thank god, my brain was still able to function and i made it through the test. Unbelievablely, i was even able to finish in an hour and twenty minutes.
Then, when i reach the final test, i couldn't care more. I could see everyone in the cafeteria holding notes but i was there sitting down with my laptop, chatting with Aaron and checking out the brotherhood blog. I went into the test without even looking at any notes but luckyly i was able to answer everything, that i was really sure.
After the test i went home, was chatting with jackie when he told me he did something really stupid today which i totally agreed with him. Why? the only word i can think of when he told me what happen. Sometimes being a good friend has a limit. True or not? XDThe delicious Raspberry Vodka.
It has been a long time since i updated this blog.
Almost forgotten that i have this blog.
My life has been like a roller coaster since that day i left secondary school. Going up and down. Alot of things that made me think alot. Mostly about how life is and that there is nothing that anyone can do to change it. Some times it really makes me wonder, why do we, as humans try so hard to make our life better ?
Sounds so emotional. XD
But that is was i have been wondering all this time after having experienced so many down moments in life. Thanks to the people around me that have always been there to help cand care about me. If not because of this people i guess life would have been even tougher for me then ever.
Today i just came back for a camp, "very tired" are the only two words that can describe how i feel now. This camp is another good experience that i can put into my long term memory. Something worth remembering. Alot of valuable lessons learnt and hopefully would be my guidelines in life and help me in the near future.
Well i guess this will be it for this post. The pain in my legs are really hurting me. I better get some sleep.