Got out of the room.

on Tuesday, 17 November 2009

I finished my exams for quite some time now. Ever since then I had been stuck at home. Today, I went back to campus to played badminton. It was the only sport that I played for the past year. It was fun and I had a good sweat.

The only bad thing about it was now, my right hand hurt like fire burning on it. I guess that's the price to pay for not exercising for so long.

I guess that all I did a part from watch drama at home on my laptop.

Lately i have been watch this english sitcom call "The Big Bang Theory". Its so funny. I think while laughing I learned some physic or was it some kick ass theories but I dont seem to remember what it is.

 I like the slogan. "Smart is the new sexy."
Basically this story is about 4 genius friends who work in Caltech and how they try thier best to find girlfriends. This story has 3 seasons so far and the third season is still airing. Highly recomemded for those who like the laugh at people who are smart. If being smart means I have to be like them i would prefer not to.