I finished my exams for quite some time now. Ever since then I had been stuck at home. Today, I went back to campus to played badminton. It was the only sport that I played for the past year. It was fun and I had a good sweat.
The only bad thing about it was now, my right hand hurt like fire burning on it. I guess that's the price to pay for not exercising for so long.
I guess that all I did a part from watch drama at home on my laptop.
Lately i have been watch this english sitcom call "The Big Bang Theory". Its so funny. I think while laughing I learned some physic or was it some kick ass theories but I dont seem to remember what it is.
Well.... after so long I have no longer any interest in blogging but today one thing disgusting thing made me really wanna tell the world about.
This is how it started. Today, there was a really good scientist from Canada who used to work in the ministry of defence came to Miri and had a series of biblical seminary. Mostly focusing on how science is the proof for religion and there is no comflict between them. He enlightens me about alot of the the issues written in the book of Revelation.
He even showed us a fraction of the wood fossil believed to be from the Noah's Ark found on the Ararat Mountain in Turkey.
Then after the seminary ended, sent my gf back home. At the door welcoming our return was the stupid Labrador Retriever that i freaking hate and the bitch's poop and the worst smell to ever enter my nostrils.
I taught that was already the worst part of it but the bitch and her owner ten to surprise me with the level of disgusting-ness that they can create. Its like a combo. When you go to KFC and buy yourself a snack plate they give you mash and coleslaw.